Featuring The Devil's Due (Breeds Book 28)

#1 New York Times bestselling author Lora Leigh returns to her sensual world of the Breeds…as one stubborn Breed meets her match, and can no longer deny her mate—or the fierce desires of her own heart.
Featuring The Devil’s Due by Lora Leigh
An Irish lass only now realizing her breed genetics now also carries the proof of a little known breed phenomena, called ‘genetic flaming’. A fever that literally pulls recessed breed genetics from hiding.
She’s discovered in the worse of places, in Europe, where breeds are now required to submit to testing facilities or forced to those facilities once found. But breeds rarely leave the same way they enter.
If Kathleen ‘Katy’ O’Sullivan doesn’t find a miracle than no one can save her, even her adored Da, Barrett O’ Sullivan. Northern Ireland’s Chief Constable can save her from the fate her country would order her to.
Rescue comes in the form of the famed, Devil Black, a former Breed Rogue Executioner and now, her mate.